Explore the world of technology
Tech Event @ KMWE
KMWE organizes a technology event. Date and location: March 9, 2023 at Brainport Industries Campus.
What’s it in for you?
During this event, young students and people with another career background will get the opportunity to visit KMWE and / or KMWE Aero Engine to have a look around and to experience first-hand what it means to work at KMWE.
More information about the Tech Events
This technology event is an initiative of Brainport Industries College and is organized by companies affiliated with Brainport Industries College. You will get a short presentation and a tour of the company of your choice. Afterwards you will work, under supervision, on a cool gadget.
After your visit to the tech event you will know if working in the metal and mechatronics industry suits you.
How can I register?
Register via this link.
More information about the tech event: www.brainportindustriescollege.nl