
Our employees are proud and they radiate it. We offer them a future in high tech, so that they can grow, not only in the profession, but also in their further career. Read below the experiences of our colleagues about what they think of KMWE as an employer.

Anne Schoenmakers, Logistic Engineer
From a graduation project to a fulltime job

Rob van Loon, R&D Engineer
Searching for answers to questions that have never been asked

Erwin Verhulst, Insteller/Programmeur CNC-Frezen
Followed a guided learning programme

Peter Veldkamp, Account Manager
Filled many roles, but engineering will always be the basis

Peter van den Molengraaf, Spot welder
Welding used to be a craft, now he is assisted by robots

Stan van den Hurk, Vakspecialist Montage Cleanroom
Turned his passion into his career